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Wanda  Ray Willis -Raynor

MD- Cal Bezemer


SHOW- SUN.MAY 29, 8-10 pm

Kulakswoodshed, 5230 Laurel Canyon Blvd. North Hollywood

RSVP- 201 286 5904


Wanda is a creative, versatile performing artist, vocalist, actor, pianist and writer. A songwriter and budding playwriter, wanda strives to and is utilizing her piano/vocal act, jazz band and acting abilities while working on her writing and wishes to submit her original music material to already established artists, movie producers or producers who may also desire to produce and market her performing talents. She has a music Theater degree and shows her polished skills in performing R&B, Jazz and Pop, bringing each song she performs on stage to life. Be certain to Order

Wanda's Latest Release.





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Lonely Girl, The Secret Lfe of Dorothy Dandridge, one Woman musical Play.



Every 4th Friday at Cafe Frenza in Moorepark 7-10- Piano/vocal act


The musical,North on South Central (Winner of 4 NAACP Awards) Mrs. Raynor performs the role of Dorothy Dandridge in the show.



Date July 21


Venue Jefferson Highschool.

The production is one of the featured events leading up to the yearly Jazz Festival in LA.


Places performed:
East Coast:

5&10, No Exageration  (Soho, New York)
Green Palms (Soho NY)
The Bat Cave- (New York)
Carnigie Hall- (New York)
Peppermint Lounge- New Jersey
Margaret Williams Theater- New Jersey
Rutgers Church Theater- Off Broadway- New York
International Motel- New Jersey
Arena Playhouse- Baltimore, Maryland

(A Member of the Arena Players and the Ira Aldridge Players of Baltimore MD)

West Coast:
Catalina Bar and Grill- LA (appearance with The Raw Sugar Quintett)
Buggy Whip- (every Sunday- 6-9)- Piano/vocal act
Marina City Club- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays- 6-9- Piano/vocal act
Creme De La Crepe- Fridays- 7-9- piano/vocal act
Wilshire Ebell
Harry Ford Theater
Tee Up Club
Bon Adventure Hotel

The Rain Night Club-Adrien's Songer's Group

Don't Tell Mama- Keith Borden Soulfull Sundays Show

Sierra's Dine and Dance- "The Fab Five "(Warren Rohn promoter)

H.O.M.E. House of Music and Enetertainment in Beverly Hills, CA

Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA with David Sparkman & Dana Bronson

Fab Five performance date-August 11, 2016- Festival Performance, Manhattan Beach, CA

Motown Cafe- Sendai City 


Land Fall Restaurant- Piano /Vocal Act

Fairmont Southampton Princess Hotel

Grotto Bay Hotel

The Reefs Hotel- Piano/vocal Act

Elbow Beach Hotel

Coral Beach Hotel

Antonio Dill band

Tommy Ray Band
Bermuda Jazz Fest in Dockyard.

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